Venus, Planet of Love

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings.   Today’s post is about the power of Venus, the planet, the Goddess, and the energy of love and sexuality!    As it is still Aphrodite April, I think it is a good time to explore the immense power of Venusian energy.   

The planet Venus is often referred to as Earth’s sister, as Venus is right next to Earth and has a similar size.   The year for Venus is slightly shorter than an Earth year clocking it at around 225 days on Earth compared to our 365-day years (366 on Leap Year obviously), being that Venus is one place closer to the Sun than Earth.   A strange fact about Venus is that her day is longer than her year!   Interestingly, another way that Earth and Venus are connected is that they are the only two planets in our Solar System commonly referred to as feminine, hence why Venus is so commonly referred to as a twin sister of Earth.   While Earth nurtures life, Venus is symbolic of the sexuality and fertility of the Divine Feminine, hence the common phrase “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”.

Venus also has a very interesting pattern of orbit, where it forms a five-petaled rose in the night sky!   I love the way the orbit of Venus works, as it relates to the way the Goddess Venus is portrayed, as a Goddess of Love and Beauty, having a floral pattern mirrored in the orbit of the planet is really lovely.   The five-petalled pattern is also related to the five-pointed star, the sacred pentagram!   This orbital pattern is formed because the planet Venus does not orbit in one clear line, going retrograde during periods of the year.   

The other important thing about the planet of Venus is the meaning of the Venus sign in astrology.    Venus signs show up in our birth charts to govern how each of us processes love, romance, and intimacy in our lives!   Wherever Venus appears in our natal chart will signal our own relationships to love and how we will act in romantic partnerships.

Now, Venus the Goddess mirrors much of this in her energy.    She is endlessly feminine in her nature, having immense power over the lives and loves of humans.   Roses are sacred to her, as are apples, fruits of the same plant family as the rose, which hide a pentagram in their seed patterns!   This of course relates to the pattern formed by the orbit of the planet Venus.   Venus is interestingly viewed in a maternal way a little more often than Aphrodite, as Venus is said to be the mother of Rome, through her being the mother of Aeneas, who after fleeing the Trojan War went on to settle in Italy, obviously still linking her back to Aphrodite who was the mother of Aeneas in Greek myth!   Her veneration in ancient Rome was so profound that even Julius Caesar claimed to have been descended from the Goddess Venus!

To embrace our own Venusian energies, we need only seek to do what makes us feel pleasure.   This can be a sexual pleasure, surely, but it is also a case of any sort of sensory pleasure.   Food, scent, music, wine, flowers, and many other things that may bring pleasure to our senses are all ways to tap into Venusian energy all year long, not just during Aphrodite April!   I love doing beauty rituals and bath magick to embrace my Venusian energy.   Bath magick is special for tapping into Venusian energy due to Venus famously being born from the Sea!     

I hope you have enjoyed this look at the planet Venus and how she relates to her namesake Goddess.   What is your favorite thing about Venus?   Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Note on Image: The image at the top of the post is the orbit of Venus.   I found the image on

Tarot Note: I have a page offering tarot and oracle readings for those interested in these services!    I am very happy to be offering these readings to my treasured readers at White Rose of Avalon!  Link to page: 

Further Reading